Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2012

Already Mating

As I said earlier I spent a week on the island "Helgoland" to see Gray Seals. It was very interesting to whatch them and to take photos.
It's also funny to see the compositions of the groups because often there are one male, one female and one pub. The male which is usually not the father tries to mate with the female and sometimes even fights with the female to get what he wants. Often the fights are bloody and the big males have scars from several fights... (also with other males).



Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012

Gray Seals on Helgoland

I spent the last week on the island Helgoland which is locatet in the Northsea.
There we had the chance to take photos of Gray Seals (Halichoerus grypus). Between December and February the young ones are born and it's pretty easy to get good photos because they are laying on the beach all the time.
The main Island is Helgoland but there is a smaller island next to it called "Dune" (ger.: Düne). You can go there by ship. It's very nice to whatch them growing.
Here is a picture of a pub on the beach.