Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

Black Terns at Ooij Polder

Today we were at the Ooij Polder (Nijmegen) in the Netherlands to take some pictures of Black Terns (Chlidonias niger) and Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia). We saw both. But the Spoonbills were to far away to get a good picture.

This is a Black Tern on a small artificial island. These islands were built due to the lack of the Water Soldier (Stratiotes aloides). They act as breeding areas.

This is one of the Spoonbills we saw. There were about 10-12 of them but they were to far away. This Spoonbill was the only one which came closer while it was eating.

We also saw: Cormorants, Graylag Geese, Mallards, 1 Great White Egret, Oystercatchers, Common Ringed Plover, Black-Headed Gulls and Sedge Warblers

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